Thursday 11 February 2010


Script Rough Copy
Group 22 – Jake Boarder, Lee Poritt, Matthew Pounder, Craig Harman.

Scene 1 – Place: Media Studio
Scene is news studio within bad condition as news reporter Craig Harman reports with muffled sound and distorted video.
Craig: This is an urgent broadcast.
(Banging on Door)
Craig: The infection has now become airborne and an estimated 90% of the population are infected. All remaining civilians should find shelter…
(Door breaks down, Camera Knocked over as feet seen running and jumps on Craig as eating and ripping noises are heard as Craig Screams)

Fade to Black

Scene 2 – Fades to Outside College
Scene starts outside of college with establishing shot to reveal scene. Tracking shot to show more of scene. Shows character Jake in Deep Focus. Then swaps to characters perspective with a disoriented camera shot with a hand-cam to show characters confusion and disorientation.
(Jake Collapses to floor and coughs blood)
(Gets up and continues to stumble along)
Narrative Begins (Jake): My name is Jake. I’m on one of the few immune to the virus and still surviving. Everything happened so fast no one was prepared for the inevitable. I’m here for the corporation that can solve this. Whether they want me to help or not.
(Reloads Shotgun)
(Shows Jake on CCTV Cameras)

Scene 3 – Swaps to Matthew watching CCTV on MAC in editing studio
(Talks Through headset to Lee)
Agent Thomas: He’s coming here for you.
(Swaps To Lee Within Room)
Professor Cottage: Finally. And were prepared this time.
(Lee turns around and side shot is moved outside as we zoom out from camera to reveal building)

Scene 4 – Jake Enters Building as Automatic Doors Open
Jake: I’m Here
(Re-Loads Shotgun as runs into corridor)
Groans Heard as running down corridor
Turns And Shoots As Blood Runs Down screen as transition to Title.


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