Friday 29 January 2010

Assessment 2

This is your average horror based setting, in an old house with the weather very dull and possible raining and it is always has lightning. The clip starts off with a black screen with green handwriting saying the date. This is adding to the horror effect because it’s a chilling atmosphere to have because it’s all quiet. Next it fades away into a close up shot of a male figure with a ghost like voice in the background. Then it quickly moves slides to the house its self with the sound effects of rain and thunder to give it more of a spooky atmosphere. Next there is a close up of the male’s figures face with his eyes a distorted colour and spooky ghost like voice says, “Kill them”. This gives the traditional horror movie effect because it’s giving the viewer a chilling effect without revealing much of the story. Then it shows a clock strike 3:15 and with the man snapping round to look at the clock, in the background there is a window showing the rain and lightning strikes fill the room with light. When the lightning does light up the room is shows a bible of some sort, again this is normally what you see in a horror film, people resorting to Christ for the last guidance. Next you see the same male hesitantly loading a shotgun, he looks very calm about the situation, which lets the viewers have their own thoughts of the male. Is he loading the gun out of his own will or is he being possessed to do it? Traditional horrors normally have a gap where the audience decides what happens and make their verdict of what’s happening. Then we see the male looking out of a window looking slightly dazed like if he is actually under control of spirit of some sort. He is looking at a out-house which could show the place where a murder happened. Next we see him walking through the house carrying the loaded shot gun, he isn’t creeping about which suggests that he knows where he’s going and what he’s going to do. You see him entering his family’s bedrooms and then we hear gunshots with pictures of dead people from a police report, this shows what he has done. The flashing lights form the lightning really gives it the scary effect and the slow eerie music gives it the tension every horror film craves. You see his daughter wake up from the gunshots and she runs to hide in her wardrobe, next you see the dad walking down the hallways slowly with the gun in his hand. The viewer knows what he’s planning on doing so this puts them on edge hoping that the little girl gets out alive.  You see the male opening up the wardrobe and a flash of lightning comes out behind him to make him stand out more. After this scene there’s a voice over of a 999 call which gives the reality of the film. Then there are pictures of the killing and a news report in the background. 

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