Friday 29 January 2010

Assessment 2

This is your average horror based setting, in an old house with the weather very dull and possible raining and it is always has lightning. The clip starts off with a black screen with green handwriting saying the date. This is adding to the horror effect because it’s a chilling atmosphere to have because it’s all quiet. Next it fades away into a close up shot of a male figure with a ghost like voice in the background. Then it quickly moves slides to the house its self with the sound effects of rain and thunder to give it more of a spooky atmosphere. Next there is a close up of the male’s figures face with his eyes a distorted colour and spooky ghost like voice says, “Kill them”. This gives the traditional horror movie effect because it’s giving the viewer a chilling effect without revealing much of the story. Then it shows a clock strike 3:15 and with the man snapping round to look at the clock, in the background there is a window showing the rain and lightning strikes fill the room with light. When the lightning does light up the room is shows a bible of some sort, again this is normally what you see in a horror film, people resorting to Christ for the last guidance. Next you see the same male hesitantly loading a shotgun, he looks very calm about the situation, which lets the viewers have their own thoughts of the male. Is he loading the gun out of his own will or is he being possessed to do it? Traditional horrors normally have a gap where the audience decides what happens and make their verdict of what’s happening. Then we see the male looking out of a window looking slightly dazed like if he is actually under control of spirit of some sort. He is looking at a out-house which could show the place where a murder happened. Next we see him walking through the house carrying the loaded shot gun, he isn’t creeping about which suggests that he knows where he’s going and what he’s going to do. You see him entering his family’s bedrooms and then we hear gunshots with pictures of dead people from a police report, this shows what he has done. The flashing lights form the lightning really gives it the scary effect and the slow eerie music gives it the tension every horror film craves. You see his daughter wake up from the gunshots and she runs to hide in her wardrobe, next you see the dad walking down the hallways slowly with the gun in his hand. The viewer knows what he’s planning on doing so this puts them on edge hoping that the little girl gets out alive.  You see the male opening up the wardrobe and a flash of lightning comes out behind him to make him stand out more. After this scene there’s a voice over of a 999 call which gives the reality of the film. Then there are pictures of the killing and a news report in the background. 

Assessment 4

Wordle: MediaIdeadJMLC

Assessment 3

Target Audience

Our opening sequence will be mainly aimed at teenagers from an audience of above the age of 15 and although we wish to aim to a 14 + audience our aim would not be suitable for those at the age of below 15 as according to the BBFC’s regulations but the sequence will be able to obtain a 15 rating as of the following reasons.

Our footage will have no discriminating language or behaviour what so ever and is suitable in this area for a 15 + age group.

Drugs will not be in our footage and no reference will be present throughout our filming and planning stages.

Horror will be a main part to our film with it being in that particular genre. As the horror will not be sadistic or sexualised the film will be suitable for an under 18 audience. Our focus on the horror side will be to have the story as a mystery and slowly reveal details as it goes on.

Imitable behaviour will not be something that could be possible as the full sequence will be completely fictional and nothing can be repeated within real life.

Language may be present within the sequence but the language will be justified by context and no strong terms or repeated language will be used as it would be unacceptable for an under 18 audience.

Sexual activity and nudity will not be present within our footage as it had no relevance to what we are shooting and planning and will therefore be suitable for an under 18 audience.

The theme of the film will be an infection style horror making the story have a slight truth for some audience members giving a more sense of horror and a better chance for audiences to immerse within the actions of the film.

Some brief violent shots will be shown but no strong gore or violent attacks will be shown and those shots that are shown will not be fully detailed in any shape or form.

Overall our film will be suitable for an under 18 audience and will not be too gruesome for 15 + teenagers. Our main focus of age group will be those ages 15 – 24 aiming at a younger age group as of the theme and plot of the story will be more excitable and enjoyed by a younger age group than older.

Genre Research

As the genre of Horror has developed throughout the years so have the ideas within the genre itself allowing many different sub-genres from horror. Many years ago when the genre of horror was just starting to be used horror was used in different styles to what is can be used as now. Many years ago the first few horror films would be based on urban myths and legends such as vampirism and werewolves, this would ensure a panic in the audience with seeing an idea that could be possible being played initialising panic within the audience hence creating a horror movie. However as the years have progressed the genre has moved along from the basic horror and creatures to real humans and to more physiological based horror movies such as the Hannibal series, which was a normal human that was very intelligent but very scary for the audience. Even now as the genre keeps developing many different areas from horror have appearing such as slasher-horror, zombie-horror, thriller-horror and many more. This is to ensure there is a horror for all audience members to be scared by ensuring a maximum audience appeal for everyone.

When the horror genre started we start to see the development of the ideas of monsters and the reason this horrified people is the reason of what if and this is main idea of the horror genre to actually make people scared outside the theatre depending upon the time period. This has become more and more developed as the genre has progressed. However within the 1950’s we start to see a popular development of aliens and alien life becoming a part of the horror genre this is due to the time period and the theories people started having about life on other planets. During the 60’s we start to see within the world an era of change and rebellion and this is also reflected in the horror genre with the addition of serial killers and even the start of the zombie genre as of the changed within the world some film makers would say it could change the world as shown in their films. During the 70’s it was the youth that was targeted within the horror genre to truly frighten people with the thought that their children could change and become possessed if they rebelled such as “The Omen” and “The Exorcist”. During the 80’s and 90’s we start to see the development of more physiological horrors and more serial killers with serial killers not becoming a part of life, as within the world many serial killers existed. Within the 21st century we start to see many old genre’s coming back but also with the idea of isolation within people as of mishaps within the world such as a biological weapon that could create mutants or zombie’s as the fear of this time period was the world destroying itself.

Genre Research
As the genre of Horror has developed throughout the years so have the ideas within the genre itself allowing many different sub-genres from horror. Many years ago when the genre of horror was just starting to be used horror was used in different styles to what is can be used as now. Many years ago the first few horror films would be based on urban myths and legends such as vampirism and werewolves, this would ensure a panic in the audience with seeing an idea that could be possible being played initialising panic within the audience hence creating a horror movie. However as the years have progressed the genre has moved along from the basic horror and creatures to real humans and to more physiological based horror movies such as the Hannibal series, which was a normal human that was very intelligent but very scary for the audience. Even now as the genre keeps developing many different areas from horror have appearing such as slasher-horror, zombie-horror, thriller-horror and many more. This is to ensure there is a horror for all audience members to be scared by ensuring a maximum audience appeal for everyone.

When the horror genre started we start to see the development of the ideas of monsters and the reason this horrified people is the reason of what if and this is main idea of the horror genre to actually make people scared outside the theatre depending upon the time period. This has become more and more developed as the genre has progressed. However within the 1950’s we start to see a popular development of aliens and alien life becoming a part of the horror genre this is due to the time period and the theories people started having about life on other planets. During the 60’s we start to see within the world an era of change and rebellion and this is also reflected in the horror genre with the addition of serial killers and even the start of the zombie genre as of the changed within the world some film makers would say it could change the world as shown in their films. During the 70’s it was the youth that was targeted within the horror genre to truly frighten people with the thought that their children could change and become possessed if they rebelled such as “The Omen” and “The Exorcist”. During the 80’s and 90’s we start to see the development of more physiological horrors and more serial killers with serial killers not becoming a part of life, as within the world many serial killers existed. Within the 21st century we start to see many old genre’s coming back but also with the idea of isolation within people as of mishaps within the world such as a biological weapon that could create mutants or zombie’s as the fear of this time period was the world destroying itself.

Tuesday 19 January 2010